550-600 Pcs Ancestor Money joss Paper Hell Bank Note Spirit Ghost Money to Burn (1 Pound)
Ancestor money, better known as Joss Paper, is a practice that has come to the West. Master Teacher, Dr. Mitchell Gibson (tybro.com) is the first person I heard speak about the practice of burning ancestor money. What is Ancestor Money,Ancestor money has different names including ghost money, spirit money, Joss paper, hell notes (mistranslation), heaven notes etc. Most of them will have the image of the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor is a Higher God in the Taoist pantheon and is considered the deity over all money on earth. Imagine a being that is in charge of every penny that is on earth. This is the Jade Emperor. A wise soul would make him an ally! Ancestor money looks kind of like toy money. You can tell it's not "real" but it still has the elements of spendable currency. The idea of producing it was to supplement "real" money to give to deceased loved ones. The concept was that the passed on family members can use this "money" in the afterlife to get things they need.There is even ancestor clothing,houses, cars, credit cards and more! Simply put, ancestor money is paper that you can burn to send into the spirit realm. This burning ritual at your ancestral altar provides the ancestors with what they need on the "other side". Ancestor money also dissolves negative debt karma, usually caused by debt. According to the teachings of Dr. Gibson and ancient philosophies, when our ancestors transition with debt, that energy is distributed among the living bloodline. Since we are inheriting lifetimes of debt and other karmic lessons through our lineage, it's imperative that we negate the effects by offering ancestor money. From my own experience, I was slowly able to dissolve poverty conscious thoughts and actions. All from burning Joss paper to my ancestors. What you do for the ancestors, you do for yourself.
Size: 6x3 inches ( The biggest joss paper :12x5.7inches) Weight:1LB,500-600 Pcs. Good quality and very easy to be burnt completely. This currency is very colorful and bright in color. How to use please refer to the product description.
Ancestor money has different names including ghost money, spirit money, Joss paper, hell notes, heaven notes, etc. The concept was that the passed on family members can use this "money" in the afterlife to get things they needIt's a tool that allows us to take care of our ancestors, in return, they take care of us. It is natural for people to look out for others that have their best interest. Bring your good luck. Giving offerings and ancestor money makes you someone that the ancestors look at as a CARETAKER....therefore, they'll take TAKE CARE of you! All from burning Joss paper to my ancestors. What you do for the ancestors, you do for yourself.
All Ancestor Money is personally blessed and has extra energy! Also, stored in altar space for even more power! We have literally shipped these dollars around the world. Many people have benefited from this practice and you can, too.
Perfect for: Funerals, Tomb-sweeping day, Ancestor¡s Birthday, Hungry Ghost Festival(July 15)All Souls Day, Qingqing Festival(April 5th).The day you dream of them. The day you miss them.